Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Little Video Game Books


Got a very nice little article on one of the biggest sites in video-game news: KOTAKU


I recently have been really into the artwork of the classic Little Golden Books. There's something very charming about their simplicity, and yet they are some of the books that I remember most from my early childhood.

As the sun sets on this current generation of video games, I've been thinking about some of the classic games that people will still (hopefully) point to years from now and hold them up as games that made a difference, and possibly, for some child out there, Portal or Skyrim will be a memory from their early childhood.

I love video games, and I love children's books. I was inspired to combine the two into the artwork you see below:

"Our hero, our hero, claims a warriors heart, but the body of a child." 
To purchase a print click HERE
Sorry, this print is no longer available

"The Cake may be a lie, but the friendship between a little girl and her robot friend is true love."
To purchase a print click HERE

"Somewhere, beyond the sea, there lived a little girl and her big friend Mr. Bubbles."
To purchase a print click HERE

You can order all 3 prints together! Click HERE

I hope you enjoy seeing these as much as I enjoyed making them! If Ken Levine, Gabe Newell, and Todd Howard are interested in making these a reality... feel free to contact me :)


Frank said...

really great idea!!

I'd move chell's left side leg just a little bit to get rid of the tangents there.

came here from kotaku!!

Lady Lillian Rose said...

Love these, wish they were real, though they helped me play an April Fool's day joke on my blog readers!

Anonymous said...

Please, by all that is good and holy...

Make a short story in this art-style so they become real books.

This would be the perfect gift any nerd can give to their child!

Anonymous said...

You should definitely look into a way of turning these into full children's books. The art style is adorable and I would happily pay money for these to put into my little ones collection :)

Anonymous said...

Those games sold millions and millions of copies... I can't imagine you would need to sell too many to make a profit, even after licensing and publishing costs. Places like thinkgeek etc would sell these by the bucket load to nerdy moms and dads. Do it!

Unknown said...

Silent Hill and F.E.A.R please! :3

Play free games said...

These will be so fun. Can't wait to play all these games.

Unknown said...

I liked your blog, but then again I like your photography too.
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Anonymous said...

this is a great way to spread our generation and older video game stories, to our children in the future!! lol

Steleet said...

This is awesome!

Video games have better stories then movies now in days anyway.

Amazing Video said...

really its a great idea, keep it up

Alex765 said...

Thank you very much for giving such nice information how to choose
video books. Hope in future you will also providing more stuffs.

Unknown said...

They are all nice. Cool alternate for the usual computer games :D

Valeria said...

This is cool!

pes 2014 said...

Just a couple of days ago I was reading another blog that also started to work theses kinds of contents, dedicating more to the art in videogames, it was really cool and it seems to be having some success, if you're interested I can give you the link so you can take it a look.

Best Regards and good work.

JHax said...

These are awesome! Would be great to see a full adaptation of a game in this style.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Awesome blog! Now In anticipation of a follow-up ….
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